Making Monday Magic
Turn Mondays into your favorite day of the week and find your inner spark with Margherita and Melanie. A therapist and a movement coach, these two provide you with the tools to conquer everyday life by manifesting magic and becoming a miracle magnet! We share our experience with the healing practices that have helped us to reclaim our personal power and return to self-love.
Making Monday Magic
Body Love: Confidence Starts with Self-Acceptance
Confidence comes from within, and true beauty is an inside job. This is why fad diets and extreme routines for weight loss are rarely successful. If you are approaching your body from an energy of dislike, disgust, or even hate, you will continue to see the negative physical signs repeat. What our body and soul are truly craving is love and acceptance. Where you are most uncomfortable and insecure is where you likely require the most love and acceptance in order to level up. We know that loving parts of yourself that you don't find attractive or like-able is not easy, so we recommend starting with neutrality. Become neutral to the parts that you once felt a negative charge toward, and you will be amazed at how quickly the physical results will reflect this internal change. When we focus on self-love, self-acceptance, and healing, our physical body will radiate with confidence and beauty. You are truly worthy of loving every single part of yourself, we love you!
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